good news for people who like old news

May 05, 2009  •  Leave a Comment

I had all this typed up from one night in november. The times are full of change in my life, the air is charged, the last few months have brought me-not back where I belong- but to that concentric chakra of which I had lost course for many years. I was reckless for a long while. This path was chosen out of avoidance. If my life was a roadtrip, the last few years was that stop an hour out of town for a good long smoke down some old back county road, when suddenly you realize this could really fuck up your itinerary so you haul your ass back to the highway. The most important characteristic of this road is that regardless of how long you stay on that highway, you’ll never find that same old road again. Too many people spend too many of their days looking for the old roads they used to take. Space ships don’t come equipped with rear view mirrors, they dip. Man I want to see the decemberists live, i be jammin that new cd.

Linear time is a transgressional oxymoron. Birthdays are irritating. I “turned” nineteen recently. Thats hooker jargon right there. Turnin tricks once a year, est 1989.

Concessions to the proliferation of ambition to materialism and the exponential, existential lack of ambition for knowledge. Xenophobic beliefs embraced by a metemperically clouded skepticism. Acknowledgment of ignorance in its configured mutualistic ambiguity to affluence and arrogance. The continuity of this system and the anamolies explained by theory rather than analysis. Infinite perceptual anarchy.

Tonight I made a decision, and the natural nature of the change of heart adds to its solidarity. I have decided to change my major from law to that of a professor, and what better for a man of so many beliefs to do but to profess them. I know I’ll never want to slow down scholastically, the only irrefutable aspects in life I can find are in the knowledge(s) I acquire. Theres very few a profession I could see myself in and not be considering myself a waste of paint. I could never see myself submitting to the “machine”. I could never turn my head while earning my salary. People that use salary as a basis for what constitutes their day to day lives baffle me. Sure I will still be a cog in the rotation, but I’ll be spinning to my own accord. I can’t just go on along. It is hard to fully appreciate what I have when the feeling of universal responsibility and shame showers over me because I know the weather of fortune ain’t so nice everywhere. I love sleeping in a comfortable bed, in a climate controlled environment, but I’ll be damned if a night has went by when I have not thought of how many people, just like me, human, real, and facing whatever other depravity are out there with no place to lay their head. It is against everything i feel inside my own humanity to stand by looking through true denial to the insurmountable wrongs staring me down on the other side the fence constructed of political correctness and held up by societal taboo. These are the highest threat towards my existence in my own mind. Those things that inhibit my existence in any effect. When I say my existence, i’m referring to our existence as a planet, as a people equally responsible for eachother and our future as a whole. The more we become interconnected, the more ones suffering truly affects another regardless of who you are. Decisions made anywhere at anytime today can easily hold substantial influence on all levels culturally and demographically, concurrently we can no longer only see our day to day lives as all their is without submitting to a damning ignorance. We no longer can have secrets, we are realizing we truly are being held accountable for our actions, no more denying them. Searching for the truth is a much more productive voyage in todays world. This is the “information age” in every aspect. Sociological problems of our government “leaders” instituting their own definitions of deviance in every aspect at our cost and their benefit, health, education, the overwhelming lack of ambition towards progressing the human race as one, and the overwhelming want for personal progress in exchange for the suffering of others. All of these things are becomine more apparent, although our perception is flawed to the degree that we would almost be better off blind than to look through the lens prescribed by society. I just hope to make our vision a little bit better…. all we really have to do is learn to open our eyes.


on the relation between the scale of knowledge and how it is broadening—extending on both the most intellectual and most ignorant level—-as we delve further in one direction, the natural reaction is to broaden the scale. for someone to be more and more knowledgeable, there has to be the comparison of one who has the least amount of mental acumen to constitute the most astute. As we have this reaction, there is a relationship between how this effects mentally. Our intelligence plays a large role in our rationale, we base our decisions and contemplations in life on our knowledge and experience. As we divide our fields of knowledge, basis's of knowledges, and intelligence as a whole, we also divide and make our emotional lives more complicated. Epistemological standards cross into moral standings in waves. Two thousand years ago, a normal man did not have the enormous amounts of life variables that exist today to conflict his decision. He did not know his own brain, he did not have to base his decisions on the decisions and rules of men from ages ago. Our lives in relationship to eachother are like a giant jinga…if we make the wrong move, depending on the size our piece, we can either disrupt only those close to us, or people on a much grander scale….i'm gonna get to the bottom of this


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