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November 03, 2004  •  Leave a Comment

im gona write wat kinda happened over the last couple of days, or what
i remember startin with friday. FRIDAy- we had school that was ok.then
after that i went to the cool santa rita fall festival. had alot of
fun.cept grace had no socks on her feet cause she wanted to be the
coolest 80’s girl ever, and she brought to my knowledge that you can
only achieve this by not wearing socks with the converses. buttttt she
got blisters so we had to walk to her house to get her some socks. she
had some back blisters.felt sorry fer her. n i got to go in her house
cause her parents werent home. then we couldnt find everyone when we
walked back to santa rita for like 20 mins. but we found em and had
tons of fun. then we went to kmac the kripples house for the afterparty
and it was tons of fun with the queso and cookies. props to the
parentals of that household on that one. then all 30 of us hung in her
front yard. kool beans. then saturday i chillaxed at chrises till 3
then i went home n brodie came over and we played ncaa 2oo5 for 15 hrs.
monday was gay.tuesday was gay.today was gay. cept i talked to grace
evry nite. cause school is gay. football was fun cause it was cold
tho.and i get amped when its cold. im really stoked about the game
friday cause its gonna be cold for the varsity and i really want them
to win cause if not seasons over. today was the last day of practice.
but it was reall cool cause i got to break us out for the last time. we
did the cats spell out htat i will no explain. I stand in middle of a
circle of all the players.i say bobcat speelout ready begin.we do cool
jumpin jacks spellin out bobcats.then we clap 3 times. after that we
hold up 4 and go OOOOOOO and everyone walks towards me in the
middle.when everyone is in i yell at the top of my lungs  1 
2  3 CATS and we break out.loads of fun.how nice. i screamed real
loud.brought me back to the days of ymca panthers. when we were
badasses with jerseys that the pros wish they coulda got there hands
on. that is it.now i do my ex[lanation of today and the election of the
past 2 months,just incase you dont feel like readin it. i will say
gnite now. read it if u are interested in what i care about. nite yall
love you grace,pretty much wrote in here for you cause i almost think
your the only one who reads it.but thats **fantastic. yeah nite.

Today is my birthday, November 3. Today president bush got his office
again. Does brandon care? no not at all. i’m sorry mr.bailey if i have
a bad attitude.maybe i realize im 15 years old and that my opinion
doesnt really matter, no matter how many times i tell the rest of my
class i am leaving the country if bush doesnt win(for all of you who
said that i say that was stupid,because the rest of the world doesnt
support bush half as much as there would have still been in the u.s.
for the republican party) if you would have moved, you would have been
in more danger than if you were in the u.s. unless it was britain cause
tony blair supports bush. or canada cause they dont give a flying fuck
what is happenening. stupid canadians.yeah i said it. stupid effin
canadians like mr. bailey who thinks he can correct my way of saying
quebec.go to hell you ass.  Otherwise, today was great cause i got
to watch tv in all my classes cause the teachers tried to instill some
political creativity in our oh so fragile minds. We watched kerry
accept defeat, and bush declare his glorious victory. woo hoo. again i
didnt care. and i didnt say YESS!!!! when bush won. i woulndt have said
no or yes if either of them had won. the only reaction you would have
seen from me is either if al sharpton won id laugh and say 10 points
for the black man, or if kerry would win id like to see the 50+ kids in
my freshmen class who said they would move if he won. hes not a bad
guy. id rather hang out w/bush of course, but kerry isnt that bad.
there both a gaint deusch and a turd sandwich if you watched southpark,
i am kyle, the kid who doesnt care about who wins, and realizes my vote
wouldnt have mattered. I was also tired of  people sayin things
they didnt know about during the last 2 months. no kerry couldnt have
pulled out all the troops if he won.and no bush isnt that stupid. he
just is slow sometimes. but then again who isnt. bein president of the
best country in the world isnt easy. i watched kids get way into and
pumped up about something that if they would have opened there eyes
would have seen that wow texas is goin to bush no matter how many
shirts I make that say “kerry is scary” or ellens great show of opinion
with her shirts. she was like the only one with a kerry shirt and i
salute her for showing an opinion, whether i disagree with it or not. I
got to see just how stupid some students at john glenn junior high are
in the months leading up to the election, when everyone in your second
period class goes “YES!!” when bush wins texas in the channel one vote,
i realized i was sourrounded by people who just had a momentary lapse
of reason. who do you think texas was gonna go to? the powerrangers?.
retards. or did you know no matter how hard u yell at it the people in
the tv arnt gonna hear you, so it doesnt matter if you say yay or not.
You may think that cause i said this i am supporting kerry, and thats
not wats goin on homies. if i lived in massachusetts where kerry is
from, and would have been sourrounded by kids that supported him the
same way, id be writin the same damn thing in here. just about them. i
wouldnt have voted in this election, i wouldve gone and lifted, or
something that matters like that. actually i did do that. i got home,
checked wat the electoral votes were, because if i didnt my mom woulda
screamed at me, then i called grace and turned the tv off cause i kept
tellin myself the things i read off the tv.  then i didnt look
again till the morning where my mom was watchin fox news.bush had
already had it by then pretty much. did i care…..no! i continured
makin my life cereal.  my mom is a democrat so i think she was
goin for kerry or somthin. did i care? nooooo…………and all you
people that thing democrats are stupid, you have probably met my mom
and love her……so shove it. democrats are people too. my mom calls
me as an indepenent with so many opinions that i couldnt be one or the
other. she said if i was id probly be considered a liberal republican.
do i know why? no. My moms like the sweetest lady i know. and she is a
democrat. im tired of people (Coff coff) jeff kocurek sayin that just
because or your political validity you are a bad person, if you said
that you would be roughly saying that 48% of america is one big bad
person.people down here dont understand that there is a whole nother
united states up there. they have different beliefs yet still share the
same cultural and social traits as us.they are jsut as good of a
person.  your political denomination does not determine your
outlook on life or your state of mind. thats like sayin if your a
protestant that catholics are all bad people. its all a confused
congression of people thinking they know what they are talking about
and anyone who says anything esle is wrong. I’m tellin you right now i
know more about politics than most people oour age and i know more
about current events than most. do i flaunt my personal political
opinions…no….do i make shirts?.,. no ….. if i started saying
things in class people would get mad because either im not a good
enough bush supporter, or that i would vote for john kerry just because
i have duel points of view and see both there sides. i agree with
things from both canidates. the thing i dont agree on is the
degradation and the mudslinging that went on in this campaign . they
both needed to grow up. retards.if i had to vote, it would be bush
cause id say let him finish what he started. no other reason. i believe
in abortion cause i aint a women and i dont know the situation. id
rather someone not live than live a horrible life as a foster kid. i
would know how these things turn out. i live at the boys ranch. i live
broken homes. i know how it is to be raised horribly by people who
havnt even grown up themselves, if you had seen and known some of the
things that i have you might also think my way. I was initially against
the war because i dont by instinct hit someone unless they hit me or my
friends. that was a big metaphor sayin that i dont attack someone 
unless they have really messed with me. and im not gonna beat up the
guy that gave the kid a dollar to hit me. as in osama getting supported
by iraq. we waste to much money on those funny little people. but now
obviously i am for the war cause we have to finish wat we start, and
get ourselves and the rest of the world out of this. Hopefully have a
greater more established union in iraq.dont jump me cause i dont feel
like wastin billions of dollars on people who think its cool to ride
camels and wear towels on there heads. now afganistan was completly
different. is there anything good there? nooooo. we shoulda nuked the
shit and got it over with.actually no. we should have done exactly wat
we did. good job mr bushy. remember this is all my point of view. done
get pisssed off cause of what im sayin. dont say somthin unless its
nice. but mr bush did some good htings…..and some bad things….but
al gore…oh just look at his name…it looks more like road kill than
a president. wat a deausch. i woudlnt have voted for him even if i
coulda seen him without his tupea.  so bush definitly was the best
choice for the last 4 years. wow this is a long thing. b u t i woulda
loved to see the look on peoples faces if kerry woulda won. i wouldnt
have been real happy about it. but the first day woulda been hilarious.
watchin all those kool kids that were gonna move.woohooo.well didnt
happen.but people in america that supported kerry and hate bush alot of
em or supposedly gonna move to canada. ok go fer it if your that
imatture that you cant deal with a loss, obvisouly your fellow
americans liked bush more, so tuff it out for the next 4 yrs.hillary is
gonna win in 2008 anyway.im not even gonna get started on those
dysfunctional clintons. sounds like a sitcom. well anyway.bush won.good
job at spending enough money to feed every person in our country for a
day on political campaigns in the past couple of months.im proud of my
homedawg frmo tehas.wat a haus.i wanted to be that guy, that after
kerry lost came up and said….”Why the long face John?” oh man im
mean. he was a good loser tho.like brodie said he shoulda ran off the
stage sayin but he still has a rich wife. bush 2004-2008.till i
graduate he will be my el presidente. cool beans. hes a aweosme vato.
nite homies. glad u read it. l a t e r


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